Friday, September 07, 2007

Mack's Decision

Today has turned out to be a very special day. A little before midnight, Mack decided he wanted to be baptised. In fact, he came into our bedroom and woke Koni up and told her it was time.

This is a milestone in his spiritual journey that we have enjoyed sharing. Throughout the summer, he has explored his relationship with God. We have had talks about his Christian walk late into night on many occasions.

One of the things I love about Mack is the way he is such a deep thinker. He gets a hold of something in his mind and he'll work it from every angle. This decision has been no different. He has processed his commitment to Christ for many months. Once he made up his mind, there was no reason to wait.

One thing that had a huge impact on Mack was Faith Quest. Mack came home with a deeper spiritual maturity and zeal than I've ever seen in him. Mack is not easily impressed, however, the things he experienced really grabbed him. He especially was influenced by Greg Woods and his uncle Allan White. This was an opportunity to see real faith in action in people he respects.

Koni and I are very proud of Mack. I am continually impressed with him.

Today was a very good day.

Monday, September 03, 2007

First Fish

The boys and I have recently taken the opportunity to go fishing. William and Austin caught their first fish. They were both 12 inches. Austin also caught a 13 incher!

Of course, they each fulfilled their rite of passage by dispatching, cleaning, cooking and eating their quarry.

Mack and I spent most of our time helping W & AJ.

It was a great day!

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Greetings to my friends and family.
I've enjoyed reading your posts over the years and decided to finally join in.
I hope to use this as a means to keep in touch.

My family is growing. Our boys are getting big.
Since we don't see all of you all that often, I hope to share their lives with you.